Victory comes not from man but from God

The Scripture says that , For promotion/exaltation/victory comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south ( Psalm 75:6).The people of this universe don’t have enough knowledge about God and heaven that’s why instead of looking to God, they look to the east, west and south.The north isn’t mentioned here,the Temple of God is in Jerusalem just to the north.Here people look upon men instead of looking upon God.Don’t forget that, helps, promotions and blessings come from the God who created the heavens and the earth.That is why the word of God says that , For promotion/exaltation/victory comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south.Dear beloved , just because your circumstance is against you, do not limit God that your need won’t be succeed. God who created you can change your circumstances and give you victory,there is nothing he cannot do.Therefore, look upon God who created you, and not to men in the East, West, South, or North.Victory is coming from him ( God).May God bless you and your family abundantly. Bro.Sanjeev Vivekanandarajah.


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