Jesus is the God who turns evil into good

The Bible says that , all things work together for good to those who love God (Romans 8:28).For those who love God, whatever happens in their life it will be good.It’s not only that God created you as man but for your sins, your iniquities, your transgressions he died on the cross and rose on the third day and showed his love.And for those who love that loving God all things are happening good in their life.In the Bible we read of a young man named Joseph, When his master’s wife urged him to lie down with her,Joseph said , how can I sin against God? and ran away from his master’s house, because  Joseph was faithful to his master and he loved God. Therefore ,God turned all the evil things that had come into Joseph’s life for good and exalted him to prime minister in the foreign land in which he lived.Like Joseph, when you do what pleases God and love him, God is faithful to exalt you in your life by turning the evil into good. Hallelujah ! May God bless you and your family. Bro. Sanjeev Vivekanandarajah.


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